About EPA

EPA's Mandate

The EPA shall be the principal authority for the management of the environment and shall co-ordinate, monitor, supervise and consult with relevant stakeholders on all activities in the protection of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources in Liberia.

Structure of the EPA

Policy Council

The Chairman of the Policy Council shall be a minister appointed by the President of the Republic of Liberia along 30 statutory institutions including related GOL ministries, agencies, commissions along with academy institutions, and civil society representation amongst others and shall serve for the period of seven (7) years

Board of Directors

 Environment Policy Council referred to as ‘Policy Council’ is the ultimate and highest decision – making body including policy formulation and direction of the Agency on issue of the environment. The Board of Directors, referred to as the Board oversees the implementation and successful operations of environmental policy and functions of the Agency. The Board of Directors works directly with the Executive Director.  for the law, The Executive Director shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency and shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Agency; The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). 

 The Board of Directors of the Agency is a supervisory body of the Agency and is referred to as the “Board” in the Act establishing the Agency. The President of the Republic of Liberia appoints the Board subject to the advice of the Policy Council; the Board consists of a Chairman, Vice Chairman and seven other members drawn from the Central Bank of Liberia, Liberia national Bar Association, an Industrialist, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs, University of Liberia and a prominent woman.

Senior Management

The Executive Director runs the day to day operations of the Agency supervision of the Board. The Management Team constitutes the Executive Director who serves for the period of seven years, the Deputy Executive Director, and heads of the various departments of the Agency.

Dr. Emmanuel K. Urey Yarkpawolo

Executive Director/CEO

Email: ureyyarkpawolo@ep

Dweh Siehwloh Boley, Sr

Deputy Executive Director

Email: dsboley@epa.gov.lr

George M. Kawah

Director /Administration

Email: gkawah@epa.gov.lr

Fred Dehfer

Acting Director Comptroller.

Email: fdehfer@epa.gov.lr

Arthur R. M. Becker

Director /Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

Frances Browne Seydou

Director / Intersectoral

Email: fseydou@epa.gov.lr

John K Jallah Jr

Director / Compliance & Enforcement (C&E)

Email: jjallah@epa.gov.lr

Rafael Ngumbu

Director / Environmental Research & Radiation Safety (ERRS)

Email: rngumbu@epa.gov.lr

Chris B. Kabah

Director / Planning and Policy

Email: ckabah@epa.gov.lr

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