About EPA

EPA's Mandate

The EPA shall be the principal authority for the management of the environment and shall co-ordinate, monitor, supervise and consult with relevant stakeholders on all activities in the protection of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources in Liberia.
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

The Department of Multilateral Environmental Agreements at the is the technical arm Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia is responsible for coordinating, strengthen and ensure Liberia’s participation and Compliance with International Environmental Treaties to support the implementation of MEAs activities at the National Level. This includes acting as a clearinghouse for these activities and serving as a liaison between national focal points and Bilateral/MEAs Secretariats for regional and international institutions. The implementation of protocols ranges from internalizing the conventions and protocols to the national level for directly reflecting on our national development policies, legal principles and program. Additionally, the department reviews project documents for donor-sponsored environmental projects to ensure the inclusion of strategies and activities that build national capacity. It plays a vital role in negotiating, ratifying, or acceding to relevant regional and international environmental agreements and provides guidance for entering into regional cooperation for managing shared natural resources and harmonizing environmental laws and standards. Furthermore, the department coordinates and supervises the implementation of bilateral and multilateral environmental agreements, ensuring that the objectives of international conventions are integrated into national development plans. The Department is headed by a manager and has National Focal Points for each of the convention. The MEAs also provides the necessary public awareness and education to the public and stakeholders on the national efforts relating to the implementation of the various Conventions.

Strategic Objective 1: To create and strengthen capacity for domestic resource generation Key Actions:
 Lobby for additional budgetary support; Establish National Climate Change Trust Fund;
 Establish Green Tax;
 Activate Conservation Trust Fund;
 Diversify and strengthen collection of fees;
 Enforce regulations on performance bonds.
Strategic Objective 2:
 To build capacity to mobilize external environmental resources
 Develop project proposals for external funding; Provide proper project management;
 Ensure effective accountability of Funds; and
 Evaluate impacts of programs/projects.

Key Staff

Arthur R.M. Becker
MEAs Director
+231777556238 / +231886-556238
P. Saah Vannie
Assistant Director/MEAs
Emmanuel M. Peters
Climate Change Assistant /MEAs
Mr. Teddy P. Taylor
Climate Change Assistant /MEAs
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