Cross-Cutting Capacity Development (CCCD)

Brief project description:
This project is in line with the GEF-6 CCCD Strategy objective 1, 3, and 5 which call for countries to: a)
integrate global environmental needs into management information systems and monitoring, b) integrate
MEA provisions into national policy, legislative, and regulatory frameworks, and c) update NCSAs,
respectively. The goal of this project is for Liberia to make better decisions to meet and sustain global
environmental obligations. This requires the country to have the capacity to coordinate efforts, as well as
best practices for integrating global environmental priorities into planning, decision-making, and
reporting processes. To that end, the objective of this project is to strengthen a targeted set of national
capacities to deliver and sustain global environmental outcomes within the framework of sustainable
development priorities.
The CCCD Project implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency in collaboration with the UNDP
with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is seeking to hire a national (Individual)
Consultant to review the action plans of GEF focal area enabling activities (such as the national strategies
and actions plans under the three Rio Conventions) as well as other national sustainable development
strategies and formulate a capacity development strategy and action plan

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