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National Policy Dialogue on “Accelerating the financing and implementation of low-carbon and climate-resilient priorities for agriculture and energy in agriculture in African countries
October 24, 2024
AAI is a Pan-African regional programme supporting African countries to build the necessary
long-lasting capacity needed to identify, design and develop transformational climate
interventions. AAI aims at assisting African countries governments’ efforts to undertake the
transition towards low emission and climate resilient economies. The initiative targets
agriculture and energy for agriculture sectors, among the most vulnerable to climate change
and GHG emissions drivers, but also supporting economic RAGLLE,
The AAI received a grant through Ernst & Young (EY) from the nie Fund (GCF)
to develop paradigm-shifting and transformative project of pes nine a griculture sector.
Liberia is one of 23 African countries benefiting from this picoura erent nt.
The AAI was officially launched on September 8, 2022 at the City Hall, Monrovia and brought
together more than 100 persons including policy makers, development partners, academia,
media among others. Following the project launch and in line with the work program, the
project team has been focused on Phase One of the project which entails capacity strengthening,
climate risks assessments, and policy alignment. As part of these activities, key policies were
_reviewed and analysis of project interventions in agriculture and energy for agriculture sectors
has been conducted.
The national policy dialogue is being organized to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and
best practices. These dialogues will be informed by the latest climate data and projections
developed through the program’s implementation, offering an opportunity for key stakeholders
to assess progress and explore strategies for future action. The primary goal of the policy
dialogue is to provide a platform for stakeholders to review the readiness deliverables and
discuss how climate data and projections can be incorporated into agricultural policy
frameworks. Specifically, the dialogue will focus on Presentation of the results of the Advanced
Climate Modeling, and informing Agricultural Adaptation Policies.