About EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency is the leading public agency for ensuring that the environment is clean, safe and healthy in Liberia.

Our Head Office

EPA Headquarters
P.O. Box 4024
4th Street Sinkor, Tubman Blvd
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia


The Montreal Protocol on Ozone Layer

This protocol is an off-spring of the Vienna Convention for the protection of the Ozone Layer adopted in 1985 and entered into force September 22 in 1988. The Montreal Protocol was signed in September 16, 1987 to address the damaging effects of ultra-violet radiation on the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects animals and plant life on earth. The protocol is a land-mark treaty which identified zone depleting chemicals and established timetable for their eventual phase out. Under the protocol, the production and consumption of Ozone depleting chemicals are to be reduced and eliminated through the development of chemical substitute and alternative manufacturing process

Date Liberia Became a Party
National Focal Point
Liberia's Progress
Follow- up Activities
Current National Report
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