
H. E. Joseph N. Boakai, Sr.

President of Liberia

H. E. Zegben J. K. Koung

Vice President of Liberia

Vacancy: Expert Consulting Services Needed To Develop Post-COVID Recovery Plans

In Liberia’s implementation of national development plan, Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), in the second year, was embraced with the COVID 19, which has greatly affected economic activities, resource mobilization both domestically and internationally. The spread of COVID-19 in the global economy affected domestic resource mobilization especially taxes on international trade, taxes on goods and services, rental, and corporation taxes on global and national lockdowns. As the revenue generation capacities get lower, the funding of the programs within the PAPD will be slim, thereby affecting the overall achievement of the major targets. Given the current macroeconomic outlook of our country, the attainment of the original targets of the PAPD reminds unrealistic, leading us to reconsider in the context of the COVID-19 and the current realities. Based on these, the revision and reprogramming of the PAPD being considered. Said revision would consider assessing the impact of the targets, the economic recovery interventions to reposition the PAPD, and accelerated actions needed to meet key targets of the PAPD. More besides, COVID 19 pandemic has placed restraints on the Government of Liberia ability) to undertake extensive review PAPD and develop investment plan and strategy dealing with the COVID related shocks. Therefore, revising the PAPD and developing an investment plan will essentially require funding.

Against this backdrop, EPA applied, sourced, and received funding from GCF under the resilient recovery rapid readiness support project. This is an opportunity for EPA to guide the country in its COVID 19 recovery plan.

To this effect, the Government of Liberia through the EPA is seeking to recruit competent expert consultant to deliver on the following outputs.

The resilient recovery rapid readiness support project of the GCF will be used to:

  1. Develop an investment plan for priority measures, in consultation with public and private investors



  1. Objective of the Consultancy 

The main objective of the task is develop high impact project concept notes for post COVID-