About EPA
Our Head Office
EPA Headquarters
P.O. Box 4024
4th Street Sinkor, Tubman Blvd
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Energy & Environment Program/Country Program Support intends to support the Government of Liberia through the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct mapping and reforestation of degraded Forest Landscapes in Grand Cape Mount county.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the principal authority in Liberia responsible for the management of the environment; coordinates, monitors, supervises, and consults with relevant stakeholders on all activities in the protection of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources.
Pursuant to this, the EPA with support from the United National Development Program (UNDP) intends to hire a National Consulting Firm to conduct mapping and reforestation of degraded Forest Landscapes in Grand Cape Mount County. Considering the above, the EPA through the Energy & Environment Unit requests the services of a National Consulting Firm to work in collaboration with the EPA in achieving this objective.
With the plethora of challenges, the Energy and Environment (E&E) programme of the UNDP seek to support the Government’s efforts in achieving diversified and inclusive economic growth through investments in sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture, food security, job creation, and improved resilience to climate change and natural disasters. UNDP works to empower the population and build a resilient nation. It supports the government to develop and implement interventions aimed at improving the lives of the people, including women, youth, and People living with Disability (PWD).
Through its Energy and Environment (E&E) Programme, UNDP supports the government through its relevant Ministries, Agencies, and Commissions (MACs) to address environmental and climate change issues and mitigate their impacts to support the collective growth and development of the country.